Leprosy can destroy lives for generations.

With your help it will become a thing of the past for all generations.

Can you imagine a day when leprosy is no more? Families that were once torn apart are reunited. Parents embracing their children. Grandparents with tears rolling down their cheeks meeting their grandchildren for the first time. Leprosy no longer keeps them apart. In this new world leprosy no longer stops children going to school. Every person once affected by leprosy has a future. With your help that day can be closer than you might think.

Sudha Rani is 60 years old, a proud mother and grandmother whose face lights up the moment she is around her grandchildren. She delights in being able to take care of her family and spend time with them.

Around six years ago, Sudha Rani first noticed numb patches on parts of her body, one of the first signs of leprosy. Thankfully, she was diagnosed quickly and referred to the nearby Leprosy Mission hospital in Nilphamari, Bangladesh. There, Sudha Rani was given a mixture of antibiotics called Multidrug Therapy to cure her leprosy.

She was cured, but her fear remained. People across Bangladesh still believe leprosy is a curse. They are afraid of it. So afraid they stay away, walking on the other side of the road. If you have leprosy, you can lose your friends and even your family. You can understand her fear. Sudha Rani was terrified about losing the people she loved most.

To her great relief, she was welcomed by her family after they heard she was cured. If only this was the story for everyone affected by leprosy, what a beautiful world that would be.

Can you believe that for every patient who has been treated with Multidrug Therapy there are estimated to be 19 more who need to be found and cured? The fight is certainly not over yet.

One of the hardest roads to travel is going through pain without family and friends. You can stop loved ones from being separated because of leprosy. You can continue to provide education to villages, schools and businesses. Leprosy shouldn’t stop people going to school, to work or even to the local well.

Your gift could mean a world where every person affected by leprosy can be spotted at the earliest possible moment and treated immediately. A world where they can have first-class reconstructive surgery, cutting edge treatment for ulcers and counselling to improve self-esteem to stop leprosy from have a lasting effect on their body in any way. A world where prejudice and fear have been stopped and every person affected by leprosy has a future filled with hope.

Read more about Sudha Rani’s family and how you can help to eradicate leprosy, one person at a time.

My Gift To Help Families Like Sudha Rani’s

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