It is finished! A Vision for 2035
In the first of an occasional series, Norman Lazonby, a member of our Board, shares what it means to him to make leprosy a thing of the past.
It is finished! The final words of Psalm 22 look forward to a future day when all people will proclaim God’s righteousness. All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to God. For He has not ignored the suffering of the afflicted. The poor will eat and be satisfied.
It is finished! Jesus’ final words from the cross cry out to us across the centuries. Jesus was anointed to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour: good news to the poor, freedom for the oppressed, and sight for the blind. But we need to remember that for God a thousand years is just like one day. Jesus’ earthly work was completed on the cross but his mission still continues today!
It is finished! Revelation 21 announces a new heaven and a new earth. A place where God will wipe away every tear. A place where there will be no more death or mourning. A place where there will be no more crying or pain. The old order of things will have passed away. God will have made everything new. Everything will be put right! God’s shalom will be established upon the earth. But we must work with God to bring this vision about.
It is finished! Our vision at the Leprosy Mission Scotland is to see a world free of leprosy. We look forward to 2035 being the year when leprosy finally becomes a thing of the past. When leprosy is no longer transmitted. When those suffering from leprosy can live life to the full. And when they will not be discriminated against. A time when our mission has been completed! There will be no more need for leprosy hospitals. No more need for multi-drug therapies. And no more need for operations to repair hands ruined by the effects of leprosy.
It is finished! Together, we can finish what Jesus started. Let’s make leprosy a thing of the past by 2035! We look forward to that time when we can celebrate World Leprosy Day as never before!