Top Award For Our Whole Team

We are thrilled to have received notification that following a recent assessment we have been awarded Platinum status by Investors in People – the highest level of award they give.

One of the key areas of our current strategy that we have been focusing on is “Growth and Learning”. An Investors in People award is external recognition that we really putting this into practice for staff and volunteers.

About this award, Linda Todd, our CEO says “TLMS is a knowledge based culture and to this end our most important asset is our staff. To serve people affected by leprosy and to work towards excellence in all activities TLM must have excellent HR practices and policies which facilitate staff engagement – the extent to which our staff give of their best each day.”

“Our staff are passionate about their jobs, committed to the organisation and motivated to contribute to its success. Investment in staff engagement is proven to contribute to improvements in organisational culture, staff attitudes and behaviours, staff health and wellbeing, staff motivation and commitment, and organisational reputation. This can lead to higher levels of organisational performance, productivity, staff retention and innovation, and lower levels of staff absence.”

“The award of IiP Platinum is testimony to the culture within TLMS of employee engagement. It is testament to our passion, commitment and striving towards excellence. We will display our Platinum plaque with pride.”

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29th Apr 2019

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Opinions are the authors own and not necessarily those of The Leprosy Mission Scotland.