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Web accessibility conformance statement

The Leprosy Mission Scotland works towards meeting recognised guidelines for web accessibility. Our checkpoints are taken from the technical standard Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG), published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The site is tested regularly to ensure that we are working towards the standards.

Image Alt text and accessibility

Many, but not all, images on the site use Alt text. As standard we only guarantee to use Alt text where an image conveys essential information for the meaning of the page – for example a diagram about how to do something. Where an image is purely decorative we may not use alt text as this is superfluous information, and extra ‘noise’ that someone using a screen-reader will have to get through before reaching the essential information on a page. Any images which don’t have alt text have an empty alt tag which is indicated using “”.

3rd Party/Embedded Content

We partner with several external providers to improve the service we offer. In doing so we embed content from external sources in some parts of this website, unfortunately, as this content is provided by a 3rd party we are unable to ensure that this content complies with any accessibility standard.

Report a web accessibility issue

If you are having any accessibility issues using our website, please let us know by emailing

Last updated: 15/08/2019