The Leprosy Scotland is part of a global fellowship committed to supporting leprosy-affected people around the globe. It is registered as a charity in Scotland (SC022411) and is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland (SC356041).

The Leprosy Mission values everyone who engages with it by whatever means and we do all we can to protect your privacy and to make sure that the personal data you provide is kept safe. This Privacy Notice explains what to expect when The Leprosy Mission Scotland collects and uses your personal information. We want to make sure that you are aware of how we use the information you give us about yourself (your data), and what to do if you have any questions or concerns.

If you’d like to learn more about our Data Protection and Privacy Policies or get further clarification, please contact us:

Data Protection Officer
The Leprosy Mission Scotland
Suite 2, Earlsgate Lodge
Livilands Lane

Telephone: 01786 449266


Our Promise

The Leprosy Mission is committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring that the personal data you have entrusted to us is collected and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation that comes into force in May 2018. These regulations are intended to strengthen your rights and to give you control over the personal information that organisations hold about you.

What we use your information for:

We, The Leprosy Mission Scotland, will use the information you provide in the following ways.

  • We will send you information about the work of The Leprosy Mission which you are making possible through your gifts and prayers, and communicate with you in the best way for you. We want to make sure we are sending you information that you are likely to be interested in.
  • We will make you aware of the further needs of leprosy-affected people, giving you the opportunity to pray, make further donations or purchase goods. We know that not every person can give to every appeal, but fundraising appeals also give you the opportunity to pray. We will look at information about how you like to support our work to make sure we are sending you relevant information in the best way for you.
  • We will invite you to events that you may be interested in attending. We will look at the information we hold about you to make sure that you are invited to events that may appeal to you and are within a reasonable travelling distance.
  • We may send you information about other ways you can help people affected by leprosy, such as becoming a volunteer.
  • We will send you information you have asked for, or provide you with the goods or services you have requested.
  • To reclaim tax on Gift Aid.
  • We will also use the information you give to us to process any donations you make and to thank you
  • When you visit our website we may gather information about which pages you visit to help us to improve and to provide you with the best service.
  • To manage and co-ordinate our volunteers.

You have the right to change your mailing preferences or to ask us not to contact you again (unsubscribe). You can do this by contacting us using the details set out above.

How we collect personal data

We also want to make sure that you are aware of how we collect information about you (your data).

We will collect information in the following ways.

When you share information with us

  • When you communicate with us and provide information (for example, when you make a donation, buy some goods or sign-up to emails) we will collect this so that we can communicate with you in future.
  • When you visit our website- information about our use of cookies
  • When you sign up to join and become a volunteer.
  • When you request resources to share about The Leprosy Mission’s work.
  • When you complete a survey.
  • When you register to attend an event.
  • When you sign up to support a petition to advocate and speak up for leprosy-affected people

When you share information with us through a third-party

  • If you make a donation through your church and provide your personal information (e.g. your name and address) we will collect this so that we can thank you personally, and send you further information and appeals.
  • If you make a donation through a third-party website (such as everydayhero) and have given them permission to share your details with us we will collect these to thank you and send you further information and appeals.

Data qualification

From time to time we may compare the data we hold to nationally-held registers which provide information about when people are deceased or have moved home. We think it’s important to keep the information we hold accurate and up to date and this helps to ensure we don’t waste money sending information to people who have moved away.

We may also use data available from public authorities to help us be more efficient with data processing.

The personal information we collect

We may ask you for certain pieces of information to ensure that we communicate with you in an appropriate way and only send you relevant information about the work of The Leprosy Mission. This includes:

  • Personal identifiers such as your title, name and year of birth (to verify that you are 18 years or over and also to take appropriate care when engaging with older supporters).
  • Contact details including postal address, postcode, email and telephone number.
  • Financial information such as your bank details, e.g supporters who engage as regular donors.
  • Whether you are a UK tax payer.
  • The church or event location where you may have registered your interest in the work of The Leprosy Mission.
  • Records of your contact with The Leprosy Mission Scotland.
  • Your interests, views and opinions in surveys to ensure that we are providing the appropriate types of information.

Sensitive personal data

Data Protection regulations recognise some information as ‘sensitive personal data’ or ‘special category data’. This includes, but is not limited to, information which reveals your health issues, race or ethnic origin or your religious beliefs.

The Leprosy Mission is a Christ-centred organisation, ministering the compassion and love of Jesus to all those it serves. We may collect details about your church affiliations and personal faith in order to provide you with appropriate information but your personal data would never be disclosed outside the organisation to a third party without your consent.

We also receive prayer requests and the information may contain sensitive personal data. As The Leprosy Mission family we share and pray for these needs at our daily group prayers and will handle that information with respect and confidentiality.

When you share personal information with us we will check that you are happy for us to hold this information and we will keep it confidential within The Leprosy Mission. We will ensure that we process and treat such sensitive personal data with the greatest of care and in accordance with the current Data Protection Regulations.

Who we share your information with

The Leprosy Mission Scotland is part a fellowship of 28 countries, together making up The Leprosy Mission International, (which has a wholly owned subsidiary, The Leprosy Mission Trading Ltd).

We will not share personal information outside of that group of organisations. The Leprosy Mission Scotland is committed to ensuring that its overseas partners have adequate levels of data protection safeguards when processing your personal information and we will only allow data to be processed outside of the European Economic Area if those safeguards are in place.

We sometimes use other companies to help us – for example, to mail out a newsletter – but we only provide these companies with enough information so they can do this piece of work, and we have a legally binding contract with them.

We promise to make all reasonable efforts to keep your details secure and will only share them with companies working on our behalf. Except as required by law we will never share your details with other organisations to use for their own purposes.

Marketing permissions

We love to keep supporters updated on how they are helping leprosy-affected people regain health and dignity. The lawful basis for our processing of your data is called ‘legitimate interest’ – it means that you have shown your support for our work and it is reasonable for us to think you will wish to hear more.

Emails: We will ask you for your permission to contact you by email for marketing purposes.

Telephone: We may contact you by telephone to thank you and update you on the vital work we are doing or to ask for your support. If your number is registered with Telephone Preference Service we will only make marketing calls to you if you have given us permission to do so.

Postal: We may send information about The Leprosy Mission by mail unless you have told us that you would prefer not to receive such information by post.

We will only send you communications you would reasonably expect or have agreed to. If you wish to change the way you hear from us, or what we send you, or if you do not wish to receive any further communications from us, you can contact our Supporter Care team on 01786 449266 or by emailing

Your information rights and choices

Data regulations give you the right:

  • To request in writing, and securely obtain copies of, the personal information The Leprosy Mission Scotland holds about you.
  • To have us correct or update your personal information processed by The Leprosy Mission Scotland.
  • To request The Leprosy Mission Scotland to stop using your personal information for marketing purposes or for any other purpose where there is no legitimate requirement for continued processing.
  • To know about the cookies The Leprosy Mission Scotland uses, so that you can decide whether to give us permission to store a cookie on your device. More information about our use of cookies.

Sharing feedback or concerns

Please do contact us if you ever wish to raise a concern about The Leprosy Mission Scotland’s handling of your personal information or feed back to us anything that you think we have done well.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office about how we manage your data.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. Cookies help to identify your computer, not you and collects information in an aggregate, anonymous way. The Leprosy Mission uses cookies to enable our website to function well as visitors browse the site so that they will have a useful and informative visit. We also use cookies to improve our website and marketing campaigns. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our site.

More information about our use of cookies

Changes to this Privacy Notice

The Leprosy Mission Scotland will review this privacy notice regularly and may update it at any time if there are changes in the law or how we operate. If there are any significant changes in the way we process your personal information, we will send you a notification and provide a prominent notice on our website.