
Prayer is absolutely vital to the work of The Leprosy Mission Scotland. One of the most important things you can do for us is pray. The Leprosy Mission was born in prayer, it has been grown in prayer and it is in prayer that we reach out today.

We regularly pray for projects, situations and people in our partner countries and elsewhere. To help you to join us in praying for current needs and in celebrating recent blessings you can receive prayer information from us in different ways.

Our monthly prayer email is growing in popularity and is now our main resource for sending up to date prayer information to you.

Use the form below to receive prayer emails from us. (We will not share your details outside of The Leprosy Mission and you can unsubscribe at any time.)

To protect your security you will receive a confirmation email. You should follow the instructions in the email to confirm that you wish to receive emails from us.

Open Sign Up Form

With PrayerMate (free download on iOS and Android) you can subscribe to our regularly updated feed of prayer and praise. The app also helps you to organise all of your other prayers into a handy card index style.

app-store   google-play

The Leprosy Mission International’s prayer diary, ASK, contains information about all of the countries where The Leprosy Mission work as well as a number of prayer requests for each country.

Stories from around the world illustrate the vital difference that The Leprosy Mission makes in defeating leprosy and transforming the lives of people affected by it.

You can download a copy of the current diary from The Leprosy Mission International. The current week’s prayer points will usually be one of the prayers available through our prayer app as well.

If you would like to receive a hard copy of ASK please get in touch with the office.