Will You Prepare A Place For Someone Like Maya This Christmas?
How are you feeling as you head into Christmas? After two years of Covid restrictions are you looking forward to inviting friends and family in to celebrate together? Or maybe someone else is preparing a place to welcome you this year.
Maya is so thankful that there was a place for her. That she was invited in. Because of faithful supporters just like you, she found a place to be treated in a Leprosy Mission hospital in India.
By the time she was 16, Maya started developing burn marks on her hands. She didn’t understand how they got there. She hadn’t felt anything. Then she realised she could no longer straighten her fingers. Maya turned to local doctors for treatment. But they couldn’t help her. She had leprosy.
Eventually Maya was referred to a hospital. When she arrived, she was told ‘there’s no room for you’. The hospital refused to treat Maya and told her to go to a Leprosy Mission hospital. This was when you and other supporters stepped in. You have always been there. Your faithfulness meant that Leprosy Mission hospitals were there for Maya.
Your Christmas gift this year can do the same for others affected by leprosy. People who desperately need vital leprosy treatment. You can ensure they have a place at a Leprosy Mission hospital in India. It may not seem like much. But, for people like Maya, it’s a gift that they will look back on time and time again. The moment that you restored their hope.
Will you prepare a place in your heart for people like Maya? For £10 per day you will provide a bed in a Leprosy Mission hospital so that others like Maya can receive the essential leprosy services they so desperately need. You will be making sure that there is room available for them.
Through your kindness you will be restoring hope to people like Maya. They won’t have to hear the words ‘there is no room for you.’ Maya is currently in a Leprosy Mission hospital waiting to have reconstructive surgery. Thankfully there was a place prepared for her. Without you, who knows where she would be. There are so many more people affected by leprosy who need a place prepared for them.
During the Covid pandemic, Leprosy Mission hospitals had to focus many resources on fighting the Covid battle. Much like hospitals here in the UK, the focus had to turn to the immediate need. It became a matter of saving lives.
Then, just as we were hoping to return to normal, the global cost of living crisis has devastated The Leprosy Mission’s work around the world. The cost of providing care has increased. And as people tighten their belts, our ability to raise funds in Scotland, and elsewhere, has been decimated.
Now more than ever people affected by leprosy, like Maya, need your help. They need you to keep the hospitals you care about running so that they can receive vital leprosy care.
Today, you can make sure no leprosy patient has to hear the words ‘there is no room.’ Through your kindness, you can join with the doctors and medical staff in India to keep essential leprosy services going.
Will you make room in your heart for people affected by leprosy?
For people like Maya?
Your gift will make sure that Leprosy Mission hospitals remain open. You will be providing a bed so that people like Maya can receive the treatment they urgently need. And give them a safe place to recover, where they are accepted. You will be keeping the fire burning in the hospitals through the dark winter nights.
As we approach Christmas, I am reminded of Mary and Joseph hearing those words ‘no room.’
And she gave birth to her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7 (NIV)
At that time everyone would have been so busy preparing for the great census. So much so, that by the time Mary and Joseph arrived, there was no place for them. No place for the most important event in history. So often this is the case for people affected by leprosy. They are turned away by family members, loved ones and communities.
Advent is a season of preparation. Maybe you are preparing to decorate your home or write your Christmas cards. It’s also a time for us to prepare our hearts. To make room for Christ. Whether for the first time or afresh. The season of Advent is all about expectation and waiting for the birth of Jesus.
Today will you make space in your heart for people affected by leprosy? Will you prepare a room for them? For people like Maya. You can do this with a kind gift this Christmas of
£10 to prepare a place for 1 day
£70 to prepare a place for a week
£300 to prepare a place for a month
£3600 to prepare a place for a whole year
People like Maya need a place where they can be treated and healed. But more than that they need a place where they will be welcomed and loved. Your love. Jesus’ love.
I pray that you have a wonderful and restful Christmas. May your preparations be filled with the knowledge that you’ve prepared a space for someone like Maya. Thank you for the love that you share.
My Gift To Prepare A Place For Someone Like Maya This Christmas
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