Special Shoes Can Change Everything!
Mary Verghese, Executive Director of The Leprosy Mission Trust India, has written directly to people across Scotland to share the harrowing story of Chandra and the devastating impact that leprosy has had in his life.
Because his parents both had leprosy, Chandra and his family were cast out from their village.
“We were forced to live far away in the middle of the forest where no one else would have to be in contact with us,” he said.
As he grew up, leprosy struck him too.
Today, Chandra is a grown man who lives in a broken body.
Cuts and sores from untreated leprosy became ulcers, which destroyed nearly all of his fingers.
Even the simple act of walking can cause injury. His feet can’t feel pain, because of the nerve damage from leprosy. He needs protective shoes to save them from cuts, sores, infections and ulcers.
Thousands of people like Chandra run the risk of terrible injury, deformity and disability because of leprosy.
You can prevent that by giving them shoes that will protect their feet from harm.
These shoes are a lifeline. They not only help a leprosy-affected person regain their mobility – they help them reclaim their income. Their freedom. Their dignity/
It costs just £10 to give a suffering person the chance to walk, work and live a normal life again.
Chandra was given protective footwear – given by someone like you. Now he proudly wears his shoes every day. He can walk. And work! It’s a true blessing that something so simple is the key to such enormous change.
That’s the amazing transformation your gift can bring.
Will you help someone like Chandra today?