St James Cooks Up A Curry For Easter

St James Church in Bishopbriggs has been Cooking Up A Curry for Lent and Easter.

They held 3 different events to allow as many people in the congregation to participate.

Could one of these ideas work in your church? Or with your group of friends?

On Palm Sunday there was a Frugal Lunch – an event that many churches are familiar with.

In addition to soup and bread they offered chapatis and dahl – a basic meal for many people around the world.

While Lent is for fasting, after Easter they held a feast. Members were invited to a full Cook Up A Curry evening in the church hall.

Everyone who came thoroughly enjoyed their evening and it was a wonderful time of fellowship after the last few years when we have been unable to get together for this kind of fun.

The third event is the most unusual – a take away week. A few volunteers agreed to cook curries which would then be delivered to church members at home!

What a wonderful way to allow members to take part who couldn’t make it to the Curry evening in the church. And who doesn’t enjoy a night where no cooking is required?

When you Cook Up A Curry at church or at home it can be as simple or as fancy as you like – in whatever style you, your friends or congregation would most appreciate.

Why Cook Up A Curry?

  • You will have fun
  • You will raise vital funds to help eradicate leprosy in India
  • You will have fun
  • You will enjoy great food
  • You will have fun

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1st Jun 2022

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Opinions are the authors own and not necessarily those of The Leprosy Mission Scotland.