Hosain and his family

Stop the Budget Cuts and #SaveAid in the UK

This week the UK government announced plans to cut the UK Aid budget from 0.7% of gross national income to 0.5% next year. Cuts in the UK Aid budget will hurt some of the world’s most marginalised communities, including those affected by leprosy.

This decision puts the health, livelihoods, and education of millions of people who depend on UK Aid at risk. The announcement comes at a time when the world’s poorest already face a stark future due to the damaging effects of COVID-19.

Right now, we need to protect spending on Global health. We need to act together to urge the government to stop the proposed budget cuts and #SaveAid in the UK.

Send a message to your MP asking for them to support the continued UK Aid budget in 2021 making sure it reaches the people who need it most.

Fill in your details and we will send you everything you need to contact your MP to ask for their support.

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20th Nov 2020

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