Supporter Conference

This year’s Supporter Conference was a little bit different to usual.

Forced to be online rather than in person we were able to welcome a people who can’t normally make the journey to Stirling, including friends from four of the countries where your gifts and prayers support people affected by leprosy.

It was wonderful to hear directly from Zaw in Myanmar, Shovakhar in Nepal, Sumon in Bangladesh and, in a change to the advertised programme, Nikita from India.

We heard shocking, moving and inspiring stories of how The Leprosy Mission in each of these countries has stepped up to help people in their communities during the upheavals and crises of the last year.

Videos of three of our guests are below, if you weren’t able to be there.

Looking forward to next year we are already thinking about how we can bring the best of an in-person conference together with the opportunities of meeting online to create an even better event for you. We’d love to hear your ideas about what you’d like to see.

Put the date in your diary now – Saturday June 4th 2022

Conference Videos

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9th Jun 2021

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Opinions are the authors own and not necessarily those of The Leprosy Mission Scotland.