Alan is giving a legacy

“I’m giving a legacy of hope to help people affected by leprosy”

Alan Roy, a long-standing supporter of The Leprosy Mission Scotland told me why he has left a gift in his will.

“My history with leprosy goes back to 1961 at the start of my 11 years as a minister in Northern Rhodesia/Zambia.”

At this time, Alan met a former teacher, Petros. “He had lived with leprosy for many years, cut off by his own family. Thankfully, he found his family in the community of Chitambo Hospital which was now home to him.”

Returning to Scotland, Alan began to support our work. His knowledge and experiences helped him as a Volunteer Speaker, educating people about leprosy. But it was his time serving as Chair of our Board, when he realised the importance of legacies.

“I always felt without hesitation that The Leprosy Mission makes an important contribution to people’s lives. The cause has never got any less worthwhile. As long as there are people living with leprosy there is a need for people in Scotland to give.”

“It is important for me to continue my passion in life. I feel strongly about making a difference in the lives of people affected by leprosy, bringing hope and new life. It is vital that this continues. That is why I have left a legacy to The Leprosy Mission Scotland.”

You too can make a lasting stand against the injustice of leprosy, for this generation and the next, by remembering The Leprosy Mission Scotland in your Will.

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8th Jun 2016

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